Saturday, August 28, 2004


Melody knows that Ben Affleck would totally fall in love with her.

Sure, there was J. Lo and Minnie Driver, and Gwyneth, but there was also that girl back in Boston...A sales rep, or something like that. Melody's read the articles about Ben's search for "a normal relationship." She knows he's worried about his celebrity scaring off regular girls. Melody knows she's perfect for Ben Affleck.

She hasn't quite figured out how they'll meet. Maybe he'd be in town shooting a movie (though what they could be shooting in Dayton, Ohio is a little unclear), and he'd stop by the coffee shop. She'd compliment his tattoos as she served up his half-caff mochachino, and show off the angel she has on her ankle. She wouldn't even act like he's Ben Affleck. She'd treat him just like any other guy in the shop. Maybe a little flirty, but still down to earth. He'd be a bit taken aback, then strangely relieved. He'd ask her what time she's getting off work and if she could show him around Dayton. She'd laugh, and say "Sure." Melody would be completely cool.

She'll take Ben out to feed ducks in the park and he'll be enthralled by her easy manner, her irreverent sense of humor, and that little glint she knows she gets in her eye when she smiles. They will share their first kiss under the stars, after Melody takes Ben to the overpass where her friends all go to drink beer on weekends. From that moment, Ben will refuse to let her out of his sight. He'll invite her to the Golden Globes and send his assistant to take her on a designer shopping spree to pick out a fabulous dress. Joan Rivers will ask her who she's wearing.

Or maybe she'd be visiting friends in L.A. (Melody doesn't have any friends in L.A., but Andrea is always talking about moving out there one day). Ben would spot her on the street, strike up a conversation...And the rest would be history. She just knows if Ben Affleck met her, he'd love her.

Ben will move Melody into his L.A. mansion, or maybe a nice brownstone in Boston. She's not really sure yet. Most of the time she'll be with Ben filming on location anyway.

In his directorial debut, Ben will cast Melody as his love interest, claiming he can no longer imagine making love to anyone else, onscreen or off. Critics will rave about Melody's "quirky charm," and "non-traditional beauty." Her first appearance on Letterman will break all previous ratings records.

At the Oscar after-party, immediately after she wins "Best Actress," Melody will break up with Ben Affleck. All she really wanted to do was date Edward Norton.

She's got it all figured out.


Blogger Karla said...

It's not me. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't live in Dayton. How could it be me?

On the other hand, I DID make 3 out of the 4 statements in the "True Love: fragments..."story over the course of a single evening last week.

So there. See, I can 'fess up.

Except when it's not me. Melody is OBVIOUSLY not me.

Shut up.

August 30, 2004 at 6:02 PM  

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